健康finder®: 健康finder® is an award-winning Federal Web site for consumers, developed by the U.S. Department of 健康 and Human 服务 together with other Federal agencies. 健康finder® links to carefully selected information and Web sites to over 1,500 与健康有关的组织.

中央社报道: WebMD provides information for health care providers, consumers and health plans 十大靠谱棋牌游戏医疗保健系统.

去问爱丽丝: An all-inclusive website, that provides information on alcohol, drugs, fitness, nutrition, emotional health, general health, sexual health, and relationships.

脸: A website dedicated to promoting positive self-esteem in girls and women of all ages, 大小,种族和背景. Contains links to general health and well being information.

洛杉矶咨询热线: Free information about many types of human services including adult services, counseling, 法律援助、培训等.

匿名戒酒互助社: A website that assists those who want to address a potential problem with alcohol.

洛杉矶共同家属匿名: A website for those with co-dependent behaviors wishing to have healthier and more 实现关系.

毒品匿名: Basic narcotic dependency information, 帮助lines, and contact information for local 支持团体.

美国糖尿病协会: Information on prevention, nutrition, and treatment of the disease. 本地链接 programs and 社区 events supporting diabetic research.

Hepatitis B (HBV) Information and 支持 List: Well-supervised list of useful information and lively exchanges between supportive 成员. For those with HBV, their caregivers, and other concerned individuals.

爱滋病及肝炎治疗倡议者: Professional online publication with free email updates

最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏个人咨询: Information on services here at PCC including office hours, eligibility, staffing, and emergency crisis intervention availabilities.

抑郁症和躁郁症支持联盟: 访问 to confidential online screening for bipolar disorder and depression. 提供了 information on mood disorders, 支持团体, 和出版物 on mental health.

全国预防自杀生命线: 为有需要的人提供的免费危机热线. 亦有预防自杀的资料.


选择餐盘: 美国人膳食指南. Offers personal analysis of diet and exercise, and information on appropriate nutrition based on personal activities.

营养与饮食学会 Dietary guidelines that promote optimal nutrition, health, and well-being.


National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated 饮食失调: 访问 to information and resources on anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and other less well-known eating disorders.

Overeaters匿名: Links to information and 支持团体 related to overeating.


美国癌症协会bmi计算器: Learn about Body Mass Index (BMI): what it is, how it's calculated and why it's important 整体健康.

美国癌症协会——终身活跃: 考虑多运动? 这个10周的计划将帮助你设定目标 and provide you with tips and tools to 帮助 you reach those goals.

National Coalition Against 家庭暴力: 访问 to information on self-protection, programs, legal updates, and news regarding 家庭暴力.

全国家庭暴力热线: The National 家庭暴力 Hotline (NDVH) serves as the only center in the nation that provides information regarding 5000 local and nationwide shelters and server providers available for victims, friends and family who often call for life saving 帮助. The Hotline operates 24 hours a day in over 150 languages with a TTY line available 为聋人准备的.性侵犯

和平战胜暴力: Peace Over Violence, formerly known as LACAAW is a 社区-based sexual assault, 家庭暴力, youth violence, and child abuse prevention center. 服务包括 counseling and crisis intervention, deaf and disabled services, Latina services, gay and lesbian services, and self-defense instruction.

圣莫尼卡强奸治疗中心: Offers support for victims and offers a safe, anonymous way to learn how to get 帮助 在性侵犯之后. 提供了 information and resources to educate the public about 强奸和性侵犯. Includes a special section for college students and teens



爱滋病计划L.A.: Offers information on prevention of AIDS, HIV testing, resource guides, special events, 和出版物.

PrEP和PEP: Offers information on prevention of AIDS, HIV testing, resource guides, special 活动及刊物.

紧急避孕网站: 提供了 information on emergency contraception, frequently asked questions, and 在当地提供紧急避孕措施.

床边: An online birth control support network to ensure that every young person has the power to decide if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant.

L.A. 避孕套在洛杉矶找一个免费避孕套的地方.A. 县

GetTested: Find free, fast and confidential STD testing near you.


洛杉矶LGBT中心: 提供了 a broad array of services for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender 社区. The Center also offers free and low-cost health, mental health, HIV/AIDS medical care and HIV/STD testing and prevention.

事件: Information on coming-out support, frequently asked questions page, support for families 以及当地分会的信息.


加州吸烟者帮助热线: A telephone access line for those who wish to quit smoking.

美国癌症协会: Information, programs, and 帮助 on quitting smoking.

美国心脏协会: Personal 支持 and Local Resources to Help You Quit Smoking